Lambda Jam 2015 - Robby Findler - Racket: A Programming-Language Programming Language

Racket is the best programming language that embraces the premise that there is no best programming language. In other words, Racket is designed to support the creation of programming languages which can then be used to build programs. Using Racket, we have built program languages ranging from large, general-purpose languages matching particular programming paradigms to small, specialized programming languages designed for just a single file in some larger program. In this talk, I will bring across how it feels to program in such a language, discuss some of the technical support Racket has to make such programming practical, and show how Racket’s standard libraries have embraced this perspective, enabling us to include lots of batteries. Robby is an associate professor of computer science at Northwestern University and received his PhD from Rice University in 2002. He is the author or two textbooks, one on introductory programming and one on operational semantics. Robby is one of the core developers of Racket and has helped shape the design the language since its inception in 1994. For more on Lambda Jam, visit

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